

Throughout the month of August I created paintings based off of a prompt list of dogs mixed with fantasy creatures.

Huskitsune - Husky x Kitsune

Dachstag - Dachshund x Stag

Dragoberman - Doberman x Dragon

Watercolour Pet Portraits

I enjoy painting pet portraits from photos for commission pieces. Here are some samples of my work. Click the image to enlarge

"Ralph" My first dog portrait for my Grandpa.

#Inktober Watercolour Paintings

For the month of October last year, I participated in the #Inktober challenge where I painted one painting a day. Created in watercolours and outlined in ink.

"Pumpkin Spice Pom"
"Pumpkin Pug"
"Cardigan Corgi"
"Jindonut" -the name for a sleeping Korean Jindo dog
"Tsuchinoko" - a mythological snake creature from Japan

Watercolours for Fun

My hubby, dog and I! Created for our anniversary.

"Tiger in Tulips"

"Baby Brown Bear in Bluebells"



 This is my first oil painting that I did to learn how to best work with the paints. It was done on paper and turned out fairly well for my first try I think. The assignment was to work in grey-scale so that we could learn how to best shade oil paints.
"Sleeping Kittens"
My first oil painting on canvas. I found that I really enjoyed working with oils because they stay wet for so long and allow plenty of forgiveness when blending. 

"Teddy Bear"

Multimedia Paintings

A Gouche and embossing assignment where we had to pick our favourite animal, food and place we wanted to visit and create an artistic sort of ad. Although it is hard to see in this photo, the white space is embossed with bamboo.

"China, Pandas and Rice"

"Global Warming"


Watercolour, Pencil Crayon Illustrations

Published Book Illustrations

I illustrated this children's story book, Gerbs in the House: Chippi comes to Visit, using water colours and pencil crayon. 

Unreleased book illustration.

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